Supporting the Vision

God is passionate about how we handle our resources

It is very clear from the Bible that God is passionate about how we handle all material resources that fall into our care. 16 out of the 38 parables that Jesus communicated were related to the subject of money and resources. During the book of Matthew there are 55 examples of Jesus talking about money and resources, 42 in Mark and 92 in Luke. Actually, this subject is mentioned more than heaven and hell.

The reason that it is such a clear point of focus, is because God understand's our hearts and that this is an issue of the heart. Key principles are found in:

  • Luke 16 - that we are not the owners of any material possessions that fall into our care, we are the managers responsible for how they are deployed for the building of the kingdom
  • Matthew 6 - that in making choices about where to invest our resources, we should prioritise investing for eternity
  • 2 Corinthians 8&9 - We should give cheerfully, generously and sacrificially
  • 1 Corinthians 16:2 - We should all give, and in a systematic fashion
  • Matthew 19:29 - Our giving delivers incredible enternal returns!

God has provided us with amazing opportunities to serve

We believe that God has provided many open doors and opportunities for us to serve and grow together. Here are just some of the growing potential we see in our fellowship:

  • Responding to growing attendances at our Sunday services
  • Seizing the opportunities we have to engage our local community and give them a tangible link to our fellowship
  • Rejoicing at the progress in our church plant in Wallyford and strategically taking steps to plant further churches
  • Continuing to support and expand our engagement in world missions
  • Developing a flourishing children-youth-student work
  • Furthering our commitment to the training of future gospel workers through our apprenticeship program

Our ministry depends on your giving

We appreciate you taking the time to consider how you can support, or further support, the ministry of Carrubbers among those working, studying or living in Edinburgh, and serving as missionaries around the world. Our ministry is wholly dependent on the giving of those who worship here. Our expenditure is closely aligned with the opportunities that we believe God has given us.

We have recently communicated two areas of financial need that we have:

  1. Regular giving - we currently have a £20,000 shortfall between the reality of our expenditure, and our annual income. We have supported this gap from our reserves over recent years, as we are aware that the fellowship is in a growth phase, however it would be good to balance our books again, as the reserves will shortly mainly be tied up between working capital, and emergency funds for building repairs and maintenance.
  2. Our building requires significant upgrading, in order to meet the basic needs of our ministry, and to ensure we comply with all current legislation. Currently required work includes fire safety improvements, electrical rewiring, and also repairs to the roof. The current estimates for these repairs are £45,000.

You can set up a one-off or regular gift to Carrubbers via your digital or phone banking service, or in person at your bank using the following details:

Bank: Royal Bank of Scotland, St Andrew's Square, Edinburgh, EH2 2YB
Sort Code: 83-06-08
Account name: Carrubbers Christian Centre
Account number: 10719030
Reference: Please use your full name (e.g. Jim Smith)

It is very likely that we can claim the tax on your donations - and do even more to support the work of the Gospel without it costing you a penny extra!

If you are a UK taxpayer, please tick the 'Gift Aid' box on our giving forms and make your donations worth much more, through Gift Aid. As long as pay an amount of income and/or capital gains tax for each tax year that is at least equal to the value of the basic rate tax that we will claim on your donations made in that tax year, you can claim Gift Aid on your donations.
For every £1 you donate, Gift Aid allows us to claim at least 25p from HM Revenues and Customs – increasing the value of your gift at no cost to you.
It is very important that you let us know as soon as possible about any changes to your name, address or your tax status. If you are unsure about whether you qualify for Gift Aid, or you need to cancel your Gift Aid declaration then, once again, please let the treasurer know.

"Test me in this", says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it".
Malachi 3:10