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Revelation Q&A #1

Here's the answers to your questions so far.

Q. In Revelation 1, there is a description of what Jesus looks like.  This is the same as some verses in Ezekiel and Daniel.  Did Jesus look like the resurrection version back in the OT and did he change appearance when he entered the world?  And would the Revelation-Jesus (with bronze feet) have nail pierced hands and feet?

Paul tells us that Jesus is “the image of the invisible God” (Colossians 1:15) – what He means is when you look at Jesus (His character, His lifestyle, His words, His actions) you see clearly what the invisible God is like. The only physical appearance that God has is Jesus. In the Old Testament there were a number of occasions when the pre-incarnate Jesus appeared on earth to people, however, we are never told what He looked like. This is probably because He had no permanent physical form – “God is spirit” (John 4:24). That is to say, Jesus had no appearance at that time. However, something very important happens in the incarnation. God the Son takes to Himself a physical human form, which will have its own appearance. The resurrected Jesus retained this physical body and appearance. Indeed, we’re told in Revelation 5 that Jesus retains the scars of His crucifixion “Behold, a lamb standing as though slain” – perhaps as a reminder throughout all of eternity of the incredible love that has saved us as sinners. As my grandfather once told me: “There is only one man-made thing in heaven: the nail prints in the hands and feet of Jesus”. So yes, His feet (shining like bronze – note the simile in the text: Jesus has feet of flesh) would be nail pierced.

Q. Why is Jesus described as the “Son of Man” (1v13)?

If you do a search for the phrase “Son of Man” in the Old Testament you’ll find that it is a common description for human beings (e.g. Job 25:8, Psalm 8:4, Isaiah 51:12). It is most often used in Ezekiel (some 93 times) as God addresses his prophet. Interestingly, it is Jesus’ favourite way of talking about Himself (using it 50+ times in the gospels). Almost certainly Jesus is alluding to the vision in Daniel 7:13 where he sees a mysterious figure – someone who is described as a human being and yet also with unmistakeable divine characteristics. This “Son of Man”, this divine-human is God’s appointed king who will reign forever and bring an end to the tyranny of evil in this world. Jesus is saying that He is this promised One! In John’s vision of chapter 1 we are being shown in his own distinct way that Jesus is the God-Man – fully human and fully divine.

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