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The Direction You're Looking For

"I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:3).  We've all had the experience of being lost and wondering how to find where we want to get to.  Thankfully we've got our electronic gadgets these days so that it's made even easier. 

Jesus has gathered together the disciples for one last conference, when He reveals that the time has come for Him to die and thereafter to return to His Father in heaven.  They want to know how it is they will find Him again, how they will find a way through this world to get to the next, where the many rooms of the Father's house await.  What direction should they take?  What landmarks should they look out for?  Jesus doesn't say: 'In 200 meters, turn right...'.  Jesus says just keep close to me, because I will get you there.  Jesus says that He is the true way that leads to life everlasting, safe in the Father's house of blessing.  Jesus says that He will not lead us astray, nor lead us to a dead end.  Rather it as we follow Him, He will truly lead us into fullness of life. 

So often we don't know what to do when making decisions - we want to be in God's will and don't want to be out of His will.  But as we walk in love with Him, obeying His commandments (which set out the boundaries) then within that place He gives us the choice of what we want to do.  Like a father taking his child to the park, so long as they remain within the fences, he doesn't mind whether they play on the swings or see-saws, then they are within his love and are to enjoy his goodness.  Today Jesus is the direction you're looking for and He will get you to the destination that far exceeds your greatest dreams.

Praise God Today: "He Leadeth Me"

Pray Today:

  • For Heather Packwood's mother, as she's unwell in hospital, and for Steve as he returns from a very busy season of ministry - for them all to know God's help and healing hand in these days.
  • For James Macdonnell out in Nigeria as the recording of Luke's gospel in Pongu begins this week.  Pray for his encouragement and protection during these significant days in his ministry there.
  • For the new teams coming on for week 2 of Chat65 to know God's enabling and enthusiasm for being coworkers with God in the gospel.

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