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W2W December: We are God's family

We are Family

Lydia shared her testimony and the Marian gave us an overview of family in Scripture. 

Questions on Gal 3:26 – 4:7



  • What struck you (if anything) from the overview?
  • What was the main error that the church in Galatia had got into that was the purpose of the writing of the letter to the Galatians?

Observation and Meaning

  • What is the promise that was given to Abraham and passed down through his seed to us? Look at the words promise and faith though the passage.
  • From Gal 3 v26-29 What does it mean to put on Christ? How does that make us one in Christ? 
  • In the context of this passage, what does the child signify?
  • What is the promise that was given to Abraham? How does being in Christ allow us to “become Abraham’s seed”? 
  • What does it mean to be heirs of that promise to Abraham? 
  • How does the redemption of Christ release us from the Law and allow our adoption as sons?


  • How does the witness of the Holy Spirit reassure us that we are Sons of God? What does this look like for us?
  • How can we be family to one another? Give examples of when you have felt that Church is like your family. 
  • Have you ever felt you did not ‘fit’ in the family of God? How does this passage help?  What makes us fit together?  

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