New Year Prayer Week

Sunday 3rd January - Saturday 9th January 2020

Join us on Zoom at 8pm
(Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday)

Meeting ID: 953 5102 0280
Passcode: 65

...and sign up for our daily prayer message here.



Every Day

What does the Bible say about prayer?
Sign up for our daily prayer blog or read it online.


10:30am: "Prayer: First Things First"

Prayer Slot: Vision and Info about the week 

7pm: "Praise and Prayer" focus and then praying together.


8pm: Praying for hope in the world (zoom)


8pm: Praying for hope in our church (zoom)


All day: Praying for one another (around the table - YouTube)


8pm: Praying for hope in our society (zoom)


8pm: Praying for hope in the darkness (zoom)


Prayer walks: with homegroups, friends and family (in line with restrictions on gatherings)


Prayer walking has been used in many denominations and traditions in various ways. Nature helps us get away from distraction and noise and helps us slow down and worship. Walking around the community you live in helps you intercede for the people who live there and helps you think of ways you can be a light to that community. Going on a prayer walk with another, or with family encourages you to deepen your relationship(s) and helps you to be more intentional about praying for one another generally. There is no right or wrong way to do this but if this little guide helps then go ahead and use it.

Why not use WALK as an acronym to help you pray

W – Worship
As you set off walking begin with your eyes on Jesus… Recite a Psalm; hum a worship song, look at the creation around you and see how it declares the glory of God. Respond to God in worship and gratitude

A – Ask
Following on from your worship begin praying for the streets you walk on; the homes, businesses, schools and other churches you walk past. Begin to get specific and pray for people and situations including the Christians you know God has brought you into contact with; those who are opening up doors of opportunity for the gospel within your community.
If you are with someone, ask one another about life, challenges struggles, and what God has been teaching you lately from His word. And then ask God to speak into these situations, to help you trust and wait for his response.

L – Listen
As you worship and pray, leave space to listen to what God might want to say to you - then use these thoughts as a stimulus for prayer. Often God may remind you of truths and promises from scripture, or bring to mind people and situations to pray for.
If you are prayer-walking in twos, listen to one another’s prayers and you will find yourself sparking off one another’s words and thoughts.

K - Know your community / church family / God
Reflect on what you know about God. Who he is and how he works. Have you gotten to know him better on this walk?
Get to know the area you are prayer-walking; research some of its history; some of its ongoing problems; so you can pray specifically into them.
If you are walking with someone, get to know them and continue to seek God for them after the walk.